Dashboard UI and Server 📊

Document Updated: 2019-11-10

A dashboard created so that researchers can apply tags to images so that we can train a model to classify future images.

Requirements 📝

The only requirement is Node.js which is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Simply go to here and download the latest version, at this time 12.13.0 LTS.

Setting Up The Environment

Now that you have Node installed you are going to need to install the packages.

  1. Check that node and npm are installed with node -v and npm -v

  2. Then go inside src/dashboard/v2 and using your favorite terminal run npm install to install all packages.

  3. Now you need to determine if you want to run the Node servers with localhost or your machines IP address.

Configure Auth0

the v2 dashboard now has user authentication provided by Auth0. As such we have to add some configuration to get things working. At src/dashboard/v2 a file called .env should exist that contains the following contents:

PORT=3000  # The port of the server to run on

AUTH0_DOMAIN=  # The domain of the authenticator
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=  # The admin's ID
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=  # The admin's secret

BASE_IP=localhost  # The IP to run the server on
BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000  # The URL of the server (include http/https and port)
AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:3000/callback  # The callback URL for logout (same as BASE_URL, but with /callback)


FULL_SIZE_IMAGE_PATH=/home/matmorcat/P-Sick/data/Florence  # The scope path to where the catalog.csv should exist
SMALL_SIZE_IMAGE_PATH=/home/matmorcat/P-Sick/small/Florence  # The scope path to the small version of the above

# The IP in src/dashboard/v2/src/server-config.js must also be changed to the same value used here!


There is a file called .env.template.txt that contains the above information. The values for AUTH0_DOMAIN,AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET can all be obtained from the Auth0 website for the application. You may copy this file and rename it to .env then modify the values as needed.

Configuring Python Path

Follow the steps at Configuring Module


After setting up the packages and setting up the .env file for Auth0 we can start up the host server. Assuming your python paths for the psic modules are set you can simply run npm run prod to run the production server. Then simply login in by creating your own account or using one of the Oauth methods provided. Currently the site is setup to run on localhost but changing the .env and /src/server-config files to use the machines IP will also work.

Resources 💎

Post-Storm image tagging dashboard created using Next.js for server side rendering of HTML pages, React.js for UI development and Node.js for the server side of things. Click the names to follow to their websites.

How It Works? 🤔


Next.js is a JavaScript framework that uses React.js to create the UI and also renders the HTML server side before sending it to the client.


The Node.js server is comprised of multiple parts. The main file, server.js mainly handles serving the Next.js pages. It also defines what pages, in our case folders, need the user to be logged in order to access. auth-routes is used to handle login/logut. The /routes/api page is used to handle all API calls such as getting image to tag or getting bearer token or posting the tag information for an image. Finally under components/getBearerToken we have the file that gets the bearer token for the application so that we can access certian information about users such as their roles.