Drafting New Releases

Updating Version Fields in Source

Before drafting a release, you want to make sure that all of the version fields for the project including those found python's __init__.py, MkDoc's version flag, and more are updated with the new version.

This can be done by command-line:

  1. Setup the project by following the instructions found here

  2. Navigate to the python root directory (cd src/python) if not already there

  3. Run pipenv shell to open a shell for the virtual environment

  4. Install the BumpVersion plugin (pip install bumpversion)

  5. Once installed run bumpversion <change_type>

This will update the version number like so...

Change Type Examples (Before → After)
Major v1.0.0 → v2.0.0
v1.3.5 → v2.0.0
Minor v1.0.0 → v1.1.0
v1.3.5 → v1.4.0
Patch v1.0.0 → v1.0.1
v1.3.5 → v1.3.6
Change Type Description
Major Will significantly change previous releases' code where the user must manually make changes to update
Minor Changes that won't break previous releases, but add significant new content
Patch Fixes and improvements for existing code with very little new functionality added


If I add a new system for tagging images that has a lot of new code for a new part of a project for example, I would run bumpversion minor. This will update the minor version (The second decimal-separated number of the version number)

The nitty-gritty of this versioning scheme can be found in the Semantic Versioning Specifications

Documenting the Release

  1. Finally, update the CHANGELOG.md with the new version and all the major changes that have been done since the last release. Small tweaks are not necessary, it's mainly just the big changes the user will notice!

  2. Commit and push all changes to origin/beta, then pull the changes into origin/master and select the releases tab on the GitHub homepage.

    Location in GitHub

    Release Tab Pointer

  3. Paste the latest entry from the CHANGELOG.md and add the tag for the version as it is in the source and CHANGELOG.md.

  4. Get someone to review it for errors as this is a public snapshot of progress.

  5. Publish the release with an appropriate title after it has been reviewed.