Source Files Structure

The first thing I will go over is the folder structure and what each important file does.

Folder Structure

│   .babelrc
│   .env
│   .env.template.txt
│   .eslintignore
│   .eslintrc.json
│   .gitignore
│   next.config.js
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
    │   auth-routes.js
    │   server-config.js
    │   server.js
    │   │   CenterGrid.js
    │   │   getBearerToken.js
    │   │   Link.js
    │   │   routeToPageName.js
    │   │   Styles.js
    │   │   theme.js
    │   │
    │   ├───image_tagging/
    │   │       displayImage.js
    │   │
    │   └───Layout/
    │       │   Layout.js
    │       │   MyAppBar.js
    │       │   SideDrawer.js
    │       │   TreeItem.js
    │       │
    │       └───sideDrawerGroups/
    │               loggedIn.js
    │               notLoggedIn.js
    │   │   index.js
    │   │   _app.js
    │   │   _document.js
    │   │
    │   └───auth/
    │           tagImage.js

Root (v2)

Starting with the .env file, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THIS FILE IS NEVER SHARED. This file contains the application secret ID that the authentication service uses so that the authentication services knows that this server is legitimate app. It has things such that client secret defined, what port to use, IP, callback address for when users logout, and the base URL. To see the format for the .env file take a look at .env.template.txt

next.config.js file is used by Next.js and its main function is to help parse the .env file mentioned above.

package.json keeps track of all packages and versions for a Node.js project. It also has information such dev dependencies, project information like github repo, project name, project version, and scripts such as npm run dev which runs the development version of the Node server. If you ran npm install, the command will look for a package.json to find what packages to install and if it didn't find a package.json it would create a bare bones file with project details.

package-lock.json is used to lock those dependencies to a specific version.

Source Code (src)

This is where the real content of the Dashboard is.